2. Bullfight Pass to Short Arm (Darce Choke)

3. Bullfight Pass to Back Take (RNC)

4. Bullfight Pass to Stack Pass Back Take (RNC)

5. Bullfight to Stack Pass (Calf Slicer)

6. Bullfight To Stack Pass

7. Bullfight to Stack Pass to Rolling Back Take (RNC)

8. Bullfight to Stack Pass Roll (Calf-Slicer)

9. Bullfight to Stack Pass Baseball Slide (Calf-Slicer)

10. Roll-over Guillotine Pass to Mount (Guillotine)

11. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass (Anaconda Choke)

12. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass (Darce Choke)

13. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass to Short-Arm (Darce Choke)

14. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass to Front-Headlock Guillotine Finish

15. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass (Down to Darce Choke)

16. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass/Block Shoulder to Back Take (RNC)

17. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass Pull to Back (RNC)

18. Roll-Over Guillotine Pass Pull/Back (Calf-Slicer)

19. Open Guard/Side Smash/Mount (Guillotine)

20. Open Guard/Side Smash Roll (Mount)

21. Open Guard/Side Smash (No-Arm Guillotine)

22. No-Gi Weave Pass to Side Control

23. Weave Pass/Pop the Knee Force Half (Mount)

24. Weave Pass Pop the Knee Force Half (Side Control)